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  1. A quantitative characterization of root system architecture is currently being attempted for various reasons. Non-destructive, rapid analyses of root system architecture are difficult to perform due to the hid...

    Authors: Chantal Le Marié, Norbert Kirchgessner, Daniela Marschall, Achim Walter and Andreas Hund
    Citation: Plant Methods 2014 10:13
  2. Genetic crossing is an essential tool in both forward and reverse genetic approaches to understand the biological functions of genes. For Medicago truncatula (barrel medic) various crossing techniques have been u...

    Authors: Vijaykumar Veerappan, Khem Kadel, Naudin Alexis, Ashley Scott, Igor Kryvoruchko, Senjuti Sinharoy, Mark Taylor, Michael Udvardi and Rebecca Dickstein
    Citation: Plant Methods 2014 10:11
  3. When creating plant transformation vectors, full control of nucleotides flanking the insert in the final construct may be desirable. Modern ligase-independent methods for DNA-recombination are based on lineari...

    Authors: Remy Kronbak, Christina Rønn Ingvardsen, Claus Krogh Madsen and Per Langkjær Gregersen
    Citation: Plant Methods 2014 10:10
  4. Light curtain arrays (LC), a recently introduced phenotyping method, yield a binary data matrix from which a shoot silhouette is reconstructed. We addressed the accuracy and applicability of LC in assessing le...

    Authors: Dimitrios Fanourakis, Christoph Briese, Johannes FJ Max, Silke Kleinen, Alexander Putz, Fabio Fiorani, Andreas Ulbrich and Ulrich Schurr
    Citation: Plant Methods 2014 10:9
  5. Leaf vein networks are critical to both the structure and function of leaves. A growing body of recent work has linked leaf vein network structure to the physiology, ecology and evolution of land plants. In th...

    Authors: Abhiram Das, Alexander Bucksch, Charles A Price and Joshua S Weitz
    Citation: Plant Methods 2014 10:8
  6. Phenotypic characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana gain- and loss-of-function mutants is a delicate and meticulous task that often involves the analysis of multiple parameters. Arabidopsis heat tolerance has bee...

    Authors: Joana Silva-Correia, Sara Freitas, Rui M Tavares, Teresa Lino-Neto and Herlânder Azevedo
    Citation: Plant Methods 2014 10:7
  7. Arabidopsis thaliana and Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato (Pto) provide an excellent plant-bacteria model system to study innate immunity. During pattern-triggered immunity (PTI), cognate host receptors perce...

    Authors: John M Smith and Antje Heese
    Citation: Plant Methods 2014 10:6
  8. TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes) is a reverse genetic method that combines chemical mutagenesis with high-throughput genome-wide screening for point mutation detection in genes of interest....

    Authors: Xavier Serrat, Roger Esteban, Nathalie Guibourt, Luisa Moysset, Salvador Nogués and Eric Lalanne
    Citation: Plant Methods 2014 10:5
  9. Pollen tubes extend rapidly when pollen grains are incubated in defined media. Tube extension requires many critical functions of plant cells including molecular signaling, cytoskeleton remodeling, secretion, ...

    Authors: Emily Hartman, Clara Levy, David M Kern, Mark A Johnson and Amit Basu
    Citation: Plant Methods 2014 10:3
  10. To identify plant genes involved in various key traits, QTL mapping is a powerful approach. This approach is based on the use of mapped molecular markers to identify genomic regions controlling quantitative tr...

    Authors: Patrick Cosson, Véronique Decroocq and Frédéric Revers
    Citation: Plant Methods 2014 10:2
  11. Besides classical utilization of wood and paper, lignocellulosic biomass has become increasingly important with regard to biorefinery, biofuel production and novel biomaterials. For these new applications the ...

    Authors: Tobias Keplinger, Johannes Konnerth, Véronique Aguié-Béghin, Markus Rüggeberg, Notburga Gierlinger and Ingo Burgert
    Citation: Plant Methods 2014 10:1
  12. Rapid improvements in DNA synthesis technology are revolutionizing gene cloning and the characterization of their encoded proteins. Xenopus laevis oocytes are a commonly used heterologous system for the expressio...

    Authors: Huimin Feng, Xiudong Xia, Xiaorong Fan, Guohua Xu and Anthony J Miller
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:48
  13. Epigenetic mechanisms can be highly dynamic, but the cross-talk among them and with the genome is still poorly understood. Many of these mechanisms work at different places in the cell and at different times o...

    Authors: Geovanny Nic-Can, Sara Hernández-Castellano, Angela Kú-González, Víctor M Loyola-Vargas and Clelia De-la-Peña
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:47
  14. Plant biomass consists primarily of carbohydrates derived from photosynthesis. Monitoring the assimilation of carbon via the Calvin-Benson cycle and its subsequent utilisation is fundamental to understanding p...

    Authors: Katharina Kölling, Antonia Müller, Patrick Flütsch and Samuel C Zeeman
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:45
  15. With the advancement of genotyping technologies, whole genome and high-density SNP markers have been widely used for genotyping of mapping populations and for characterization of germplasm lines in many crops....

    Authors: Hussein Abdel-Haleem, Pengsheng Ji, H Roger Boerma and Zenglu Li
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:44
  16. Doubled haploidy is a fundamental tool in plant breeding as it provides the fastest way to generate populations of meiotic recombinants in a genetically fixed state. A wide range of methods has been developed ...

    Authors: Bernhard J Hofinger, Owen A Huynh, Joanna Jankowicz-Cieslak, Andrea Müller, Ingrid Otto, Jochen Kumlehn and Bradley J Till
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:43
  17. The small size of Arabidopsis provides both opportunities and difficulties for laboratory research. Large numbers of plants can be grown in a relatively small area making it easy to observe and investigate int...

    Authors: Richard Barker, Benjamin Cox, Thomas Rockwell Mackie and Patrick Masson
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:41
  18. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has been used for high-resolution imaging of plant cell surfaces for many decades. Most SEM imaging employs the secondary electron detector under high vacuum to provide pseud...

    Authors: Mark J Talbot and Rosemary G White
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:40
  19. Targeted genome engineering (also known as genome editing) has emerged as an alternative to classical plant breeding and transgenic (GMO) methods to improve crop plants. Until recently, available tools for int...

    Authors: Khaoula Belhaj, Angela Chaparro-Garcia, Sophien Kamoun and Vladimir Nekrasov
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:39
  20. Recent years have seen an increase in methods for plant phenotyping using image analyses. These methods require new software solutions for data extraction and treatment. These solutions are instrumental in sup...

    Authors: Guillaume Lobet, Xavier Draye and Claire Périlleux
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:38
  21. Molecular profiling of gene families is a versatile tool to study diversity between individual genomes in sexual crosses and germplasm. Nucleotide binding site (NBS) profiling, in particular, targets conserved...

    Authors: Jack H Vossen, Sara Dezhsetan, Danny Esselink, Marjon Arens, Maria J Sanz, Walter Verweij, Estelle Verzaux and C Gerard van der Linden
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:37
  22. The genomic sequences of many important Triticeae crop species are hard to assemble and analyse due to their large genome sizes, (in part) polyploid genomes and high repeat content. Recently, the draft genomes of...

    Authors: Manuel Spannagl, Mihaela M Martis, Matthias Pfeifer, Thomas Nussbaumer and Klaus FX Mayer
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:35
  23. Transcription factor (TF) binding sites (cis element) play a central role in gene regulation, and eukaryotic organisms frequently adapt a combinatorial regulation to render sophisticated local gene expression pat...

    Authors: Hailong Wang, Shan Guan, Zhixin Zhu, Yan Wang and Yingqing Lu
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:34
  24. It is generally accepted that controlled vocabularies are necessary to systematically integrate data from various sources. During the last decade, several plant ontologies have been developed, some of which ar...

    Authors: Rasa Meskauskiene, Oliver Laule, Nikolai V Ivanov, Florian Martin, Markus Wyss, Wilhelm Gruissem and Philip Zimmermann
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:33
  25. Some root-parasitic plants belonging to the Orobanche, Phelipanche or Striga genus represent one of the most destructive and intractable weed problems to agricultural production in both developed and developing c...

    Authors: Jean-Bernard Pouvreau, Zachary Gaudin, Bathilde Auger, Marc-Marie Lechat, Mathieu Gauthier, Philippe Delavault and Philippe Simier
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:32
  26. In this study, a protocol is described for rapid preparation of an enriched, reasonably pure fraction of nuclear proteins from the leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), potato (Solanum tuberosum) and apple (Malu...

    Authors: Sidona Sikorskaite, Minna-Liisa Rajamäki, Danas Baniulis, Vidmantas Stanys and Jari PT Valkonen
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:31
  27. We present a novel method for quantitative analysis of dicot leaf expansion at high temporal resolution. Image sequences of growing leaves were assessed using a marker tracking algorithm. An important feature ...

    Authors: Michael Mielewczik, Michael Friedli, Norbert Kirchgessner and Achim Walter
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:30
  28. With the explosive numbers of sequences generated by next generation sequencing, the demand for high throughput screening to understand gene function has grown. Plant viral vectors have been widely used as too...

    Authors: Huaibi Zhang, Lei Wang, Donald Hunter, Charlotte Voogd, Nigel Joyce and Kevin Davies
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:28
  29. For measurements of nitrogen isotope composition at natural abundance, carry-over of pre-existing nitrogen remobilized to new plant growth can cause deviation of measured isotope composition (δ15N) from the δ15No...

    Authors: Lee A Kalcsits and Robert D Guy
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:27
  30. Western clover (Trifolium occidentale) is a perennial herb with characteristics compatible for its development as an attractive model species for genomics studies relating to the forage legume, white clover (Trif...

    Authors: Kim A Richardson, Dorothy A Maher, Chris S Jones and Greg Bryan
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:25
  31. Wax esters are highly hydrophobic neutral lipids that are major constituents of the cutin and suberin layer. Moreover they have favorable properties as a commodity for industrial applications. Through transgen...

    Authors: Tim Iven, Cornelia Herrfurth, Ellen Hornung, Mareike Heilmann, Per Hofvander, Sten Stymne, Li-Hua Zhu and Ivo Feussner
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:24
  32. Advances in research in the past few years on the ornamental plant torenia (Torenia spps.) have made it notable as a model plant on the frontier of genetic engineering aimed at studying ornamental characteristics...

    Authors: Masahiro Nishihara, Takeshi Shimoda, Takashi Nakatsuka and Gen-ichiro Arimura
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:23
  33. Trehalose is a non-reducing disaccharide that is used as an osmolyte, transport sugar, carbon reserve and stress protectant in a wide range of organisms. In plants, trehalose 6-phosphate (Tre6P), the intermedi...

    Authors: Petronia Carillo, Regina Feil, Yves Gibon, Namiko Satoh-Nagasawa, David Jackson, Oliver E Bläsing, Mark Stitt and John Edward Lunn
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:21
  34. Nectar reabsorption is a widely known phenomenon, related to the strategy of resource-recovery and also to maintain the nectar homeostasis at the nectary. The method currently performed to demonstrate nectar b...

    Authors: Poliana Cardoso-Gustavson, João Marcelo Robazzi Bignelli Valente Aguiar, Emerson Ricardo Pansarin and Fábio de Barros
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:20
  35. When conducting plant research, the measurement of photosynthetic pigments can provide basic information on the physiological status of a plant. High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) is becoming widely us...

    Authors: Xueyun Hu, Ayumi Tanaka and Ryouichi Tanaka
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:19
  36. When conducting aphid stylectomy, measuring accurate rates of phloem exudation is difficult because the volumes collected are in the nanolitre (nl) range. In a new method, exudate volume was calculated from op...

    Authors: Lachlan J Palmer, Lyndon T Palmer, Jeremy Pritchard, Robin D Graham and James CR Stangoulis
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:18
  37. In order to select for quantitative plant resistance to pathogens, high throughput approaches that can precisely quantify disease severity are needed. Automation and use of calibrated image analysis should pro...

    Authors: Céline Rousseau, Etienne Belin, Edouard Bove, David Rousseau, Frédéric Fabre, Romain Berruyer, Jacky Guillaumès, Charles Manceau, Marie-Agnès Jacques and Tristan Boureau
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:17
  38. Plant extracts are a reservoir of pharmacologically active substances; however, conventional analytical methods can analyze only a small portion of an extract. Here, we report a high-throughput analytical meth...

    Authors: Kyu Hwan Park, Min Sun Kim, Sun Jong Baek, Ik Hyun Bae, Sang-Wan Seo, Jongjin Kim, Yong Kook Shin, Yong-Moon Lee and Hyun Sik Kim
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:15
  39. Grafting procedures are an excellent tool to study long range signalling processes within a plant. In the last decade, suitable flat-surface grafting procedures for young Arabidopsis seedlings using a collar t...

    Authors: Nayelli Marsch-Martínez, John Franken, Karla L Gonzalez-Aguilera, Stefan de Folter, Gerco Angenent and Elena R Alvarez-Buylla
    Citation: Plant Methods 2013 9:14

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