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Fig. 8 | Plant Methods

Fig. 8

From: Ripening dynamics revisited: an automated method to track the development of asynchronous berries on time-lapse images

Fig. 8

Individual growth kinetics and ripening statistics of berries within a grapevine bunch. A Smoothed relative volume (\({V}_{r}\)) as a function of time for the n = 73 berries of the demonstration dataset (grey lines), and for the daily averaged ‘mean berry’ (red dotted line). Inset: histogram of initial (\({V}_{0}\)) and maximum (\({V}_{max}\)) volumes of individual berries. B, C and D respectively show the growth resumption time, ripening duration and ripening relative speed, as a function of the maximum relative volume (\({V}_{max}\) -\({V}_{0}\))/\({V}_{0}\). The grey dotted horizontal line represents the mean value for the considered statistics. The red stars indicate the values for the daily averaged “mean berry”. In D, the blue dotted line corresponds to the linear regression between x and y axis

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