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Table 1 Geometric descriptors of spike and spikelet shape

From: SpykProps: an imaging pipeline to quantify architecture in unilateral grass inflorescences





Number of pixels within the ROIb

Quantifies the ROI’s area


Measure of elongation

Helps to identify curved spikes

Equivalent diameter

Diameter of a circle with same the area

Provides a latent measure of ROI's size and shape with reference to a circle


Ratio of the ROI’s bounding box area to the Area

Provides a latent measure of the ROI's spread or aperture


Estimate of longest and shortest distance within the ROI’s outline

Useful to estimate width on non-curved ROI's. Unlike Minor Axis, it considers the overall shape rather than a fitted ellipse

Major axis

Length of the longest axes of an ellipse fitted on the ROI

Provides a fast estimate of length on non-curved ROI's

Minor axis

Length of the shortest axes of an ellipse fitted on the ROI

Provides a fast estimate of width on non-curved ROI's


Length of the ROI's outline

Provides a latent measure of the ROI's size


Ratio of the Area to the ROI's convex hull's area

Provides a latent measure of shape

  1. aItalic features refer to those described in the column Property
  2. bRegion of interest (ROI), specifically refers to a segmented spike or spikelet