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Fig. 6 | Plant Methods

Fig. 6

From: Open-source workflow design and management software to interrogate duckweed growth conditions and stress responses

Fig. 6

Estimation of maximum duration of fridge storage for healthy recovery. Duckweed plates were stored in a 4 ℃ fridge for varying lengths of time. Fronds were transferred from the stored plates and then allowed to recover in SH4 media over 10 days. Images were taken in approximately 2-day intervals and analyzed to quantify the total area of green duckweed fronds A. Values were averaged across biological replicates and plotted. Relative Growth Rates (RGR) for each plate storage time point were calculated by dividing the frond area after 10 days of growth by the initial frond area and error was determined by taking the standard deviation of RGRs across three biological replicates. Calculated RRGs and errors were plotted alongside an exponential decay line of best fit (B). The line of best fit in this case suggests that the particular duckweed genotype we studied can be stored under our laboratory conditions at 4 ℃ and remain viable for a maximum of 28 days

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