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Fig. 7 | Plant Methods

Fig. 7

From: Determination of protoplast growth properties using quantitative single-cell tracking analysis

Fig. 7

Quantification of cell responses and growth rates. The response rate n defines the ratio of the number of cells with area growth rate greater than 1 to the number of cells with area growth rate less than 1. This was generated from individual single cells tracked between DAI0 and DAI1 (A) and DAI0 and DAI3 (B). Higher n values for AtBAG4-expressing protoplasts in comparison to wild type indicates a significantly increased pool size of expanding cells. C The cell growth rate was determined by quantification of the relative area changes between two subsequent time points which revealed about 20–30% larger growth rates for AtBAG4-expressing lines. The scattered points on each represents the mean of each biorep and tech rep separately. The white line in the middle of each box represents the overall mean (one way ANOVA, *** indicates p < 0.001). D Protoplast proliferation rate determined at DAI5 (3 bioreps ± SEM, ttest, *** indicates p < 0.001)

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