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Fig. 6 | Plant Methods

Fig. 6

From: Optimization of protoplast regeneration in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana

Fig. 6

Schematic overview of the Arabidopsis protoplast regeneration process. Time required for each step is indicated in parentheses. Freshly isolated protoplasts are immobilized in a thin alginate hydrogel. Protoplasts start dividing upon incubation in PIM and produce callus by incubation in CIM. De novo shoot regeneration is facilitated by incubation on SIM for 3 weeks. Inflorescence stem explants are used for efficient de novo root regeneration. Plantlets are first grown on RM for 3 weeks to induce root regeneration and then transferred to soil to complete their life cycle and produce progenies. The whole process can be completed within 15 weeks

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