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Fig. 3 | Plant Methods

Fig. 3

From: Phylogenomic synteny network analyses reveal ancestral transpositions of auxin response factor genes in plants

Fig. 3

Genomic synteny analyses of ARF genes among angiosperms genomes. a Maximum-likelihood gene tree for the ARF gene family with genomic syntenic relationships between the genes. Each connecting line located inside the inverted circular gene tree (implemented in iTOL) indicates a syntenic relationship between two ARF genes (syntelogs). The connecting lines are colored in congruence with the six angiosperm ARF groups. b Synteny network of the ARF gene family using detected syntenic relations extracted from the genome synteny network database, using nodes representing ARF loci and edges (connecting lines) representing syntenic relationships. Colors of the nodes represented the six groups of ARF genes in angiosperms and size of each node indicates its connectivity (bigger nodes have more connections). The synteny network were clustered and visualized using the ‘Fruchterman Reingold’ layout implemented in Gephi

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