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Fig. 5 | Plant Methods

Fig. 5

From: An optimized histological proceeding to study the female gametophyte development in grapevine

Fig. 5

Longitudinal sections of Sangiovese ovules at stage E-L 26 (flowering). A Two ovules within one locule of the ovary at 100Ă—. In the left a small-sized ovule (*) where no nucellus cells nor cells of embryo sac were visible. Integuments (i), nucellus (Nu) and mature embryo sac (es) can be observed in the right ovule. B, C Ovule with mature embryo sac with central cell and contours of synergids at 200Ă— (B) and 400Ă— (C), microtome damaging can be observed as a cut perpendicular to the outer integument in the left side. D, E Ovule with embryo sac elements: central cell, egg cell and dark synergid, at 200Ă— (D) and 400Ă— (E). F Embryo sac with egg cell, synergids and central cell at 400Ă—. cc: central cell, ch: chalazal end, ec: egg cell, es: mature embryo sac, i: integuments, ii: inner integument, l: locule, m: micropyle end, nc: nuclear calotte, Nu: nucellus, oi: outer integument, s: synergids

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