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Fig. 5 | Plant Methods

Fig. 5

From: Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation of the aquatic carnivorous plant Utricularia gibba

Fig. 5

Real Time PCR Analysis of U. gibba transgenic lines. a Photographs taken using a SZH10 Olympus microscope show Utricularia wild type and transgenic p35S-GUS::GFP lines stained overnight for GUS activity. Quantitative reverse transcription PCR analysis for GUS expression of three transgenic lines and one wild type plant are shown. Values are reported as a relative quantification between reporter gene and Ubiquitin gene expressed as 2(−ΔCT). Data are the mean of two biological replicates and three technical replicates for each sample. Standard Error is shown. bU. gibba transgenic plants carrying pRib-GUS::GFP grown for 7 days in media ×0.1 MS, subjected to histochemical GUS assays and photographed using a SZH10 Olympus microscope. Quantitative reverse transcription PCR analysis for GUS and native ribonuclease expression of line pRib-GUS::GFP are shown. A wild type plant as control for GUS expression is also shown. For quantitative analysis, tissue was separated into vegetative and trap tissue. Expression levels are reported as relative expression between reporter or endogenous genes and Ubiquitin gene as 2(−ΔCT). Data are the mean of two biological replicates and three technical replicates for each sample. Standard Error is shown. Scale bars, 1 mm

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