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Fig. 7 | Plant Methods

Fig. 7

From: Protocol for rapid clearing and staining of fixed Arabidopsis ovules for improved imaging by confocal laser scanning microscopy

Fig. 7

3D digital models with cellular resolution of wild-type Arabidopsis ovules. The models were obtained following deep-imaging of entire individual ovules. a Surface view. Left panel shows a stage 2-I ovule. Right panel depicts a stage 3 ovule. b Mid-sagittal sections through the 3D digital models depicted in a. c Number of cells per 3D digital ovule at three different stages during primordium formation. Mean ± SD is indicated. n = 5 for each stage. ap antipodal cells, cc central cell, es embryo sac, fu funiculus, ii inner integument, mmc megaspore mother cell, oi outer integument, pl placenta. Scale bars: 20 μm

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