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Table 2 The optimized protocols for improved clearing efficacy in crassinucellate ovules of B. vulgaris (n ≥ 15)

From: Refinement of a clearing protocol to study crassinucellate ovules of the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L., Amaranthaceae)

Ovule development

Tissue processing




Pre-fertilization stagesb (protocol I)


On an orbital shakerd

1, 2, 3

1 M HCl

5 min

1 M HCl

60 °C, 10 min

1 M HCl

5 min

Schiff’s reagent

30 min, in the dark

Sulfur watere

3 × 10 min


3 × 5 min


On an orbital shaker


On an orbital shaker, with vacuum treatmenth

Post-fertilization stages (protocol II)


On an orbital shaker

2, 4

95% H2SO4

5 min


5 min

1 M HCl

5 min

1 M HCl

60 °C, 10 min

1 M HCl

5 min

Schiff’s reagent

30 min

Sulfur water

3 × 10 min


3 × 5 min


On an orbital shaker


On an orbital shaker, with vacuum treatment

Manual removal of the seed coat


Post-fertilization stages (protocol III)


On an orbital shaker

4, 5, 6

95% H2SO4

5 min


5 min

3% H2SO4

60 °C, 90 min


3 × 5 min


On an orbital shaker


On an orbital shaker, with vacuum treatment

Manual removal of the seed coat

  1. 1. The tissue transparency was significantly improved
  2. 2. Schiff’s reagent stained ovules making the tissues visible—eosin treatment may be omitted
  3. 3. Longer than 24-h incubation in pure methyl salicylate improved the tissue transparency
  4. 4. The tissue transparency was improved due to the removable seed coat, caused by the use of H2SO4
  5. 5. In the case of ovules in pre-fertilization stages, maceration in concentrated sulfuric acid may be omitted
  6. 6. Protocols II and III may be used interchangeably, since both gave the same clearing results
  7. aAll the steps were performed at room temperature, unless otherwise specified
  8. bThe whole ovaries were cleared to prevent the material loss during its preparation process
  9. cRehydration = ethanol: 70%, 50%, 30%; dH2O (5 min each)
  10. dParameters of shaking were set at 150 rpm
  11. eSulfur water was made with 5 mg mL−1 K2S2O5 in 0.05 M HCl
  12. fDehydration = ethanol: 10%, 30%, 50%, 70% (15 min each); 95%, 100% (1 h each)
  13. gClearing = 100% ethanol: methyl salicylate, in proportions of 3:1, 1:1, 1:3 (2 h each change); pure methyl salicylate (at least 24 h)
  14. hAfter 1 h of each change of the clearing solution, vacuum treatment for 5 min was applied