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Fig. 3 | Plant Methods

Fig. 3

From: Week-long imaging of cell divisions in the Arabidopsis root meristem

Fig. 3

Results of time-lapse experiments, showing hours between divisions by cellular position. Cells are color-coded by tissue type (legend in upper right-hand corner). Closed circles represent two “bookended” observed divisions for the same cell. Open circles denote a cell with only one observed division throughout the course of the film, with “hours” representing the time from that division until the beginning or end of the film (whichever happened to be longer). QC is denoted position 0. Proximal initials (stele, endodermis, cortex) are position 1. Distal initials (columella, epidermis/lateral root cap) are position − 1. Positions 2 and − 2 are the immediate daughters proximal and distal initials, respectively. Data represents divisions observed in four biological replicates (four separate films of four separate roots). Stars represent statistical significance (*p < 0.01, ***p < 0.0001)

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