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Table 2 Efficiency of root transformation of C. arietinum (cultivar Annigeri) with different bacterial suspension media

From: Genotype-independent Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated root transformation of chickpea: a rapid and efficient method for reverse genetics studies

Bacterial suspension media

Total number of explants inoculated

Explants with antibiotic selection positive roots (%)

MS salt**


72.50 (± 2.5)a*



73.33 (± 3.8)a

  1. Each value represents the mean of three independent experiments with standard deviation (SD). Approximately 50 seedlings were examined for each individual experiment
  2. ∗Values in the same column followed by same letter showed no significant difference among different suspension medium (Fisher’s LSD test, P < 0.05)
  3. **Co-cultivation was done at 22 Â°C for 4 days