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Fig. 7 | Plant Methods

Fig. 7

From: An improved butanol-HCl assay for quantification of water-soluble, acetone:methanol-soluble, and insoluble proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins)

Fig. 7

Average condensed tannin concentrations in plant tissues. a Tissues include poplar (n = 6) and Douglas-fir (n = 4) litter with high or low nitrogen (LN and HN) and condensed tannins (LT and HT, poplar only). b Fresh poplar tissues from greenhouse-grown poplar. Leaf tissue is from wild-type P. tremula × tremuloides (WT, n = 4), a high-CT (MYB115 over-expressing) transgenic P. tremula × tremuloides (MYB, n = 4), and a nitrogen-deprived plant (low N; n = 3). White roots within or farther than 5 mm of the root tip were classified as young or mid, respectively, while visibly brown roots were classified as old. For litter samples, condensed tannins in water-soluble forms are designated by hatching

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