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Figure 2 | Plant Methods

Figure 2

From: Protocol: a rapid and economical procedure for purification of plasmid or plant DNA with diverse applications in plant biology

Figure 2

High quality DNA purified by the silica protocol. Gel electrophoresis pictures of PCR products, plant genomic DNA and miniprep DNA are shown. A, Genomic PCR products of AtHXK1 and AtWRKY29 gene and Arabidopsis genomic DNA purified by silica matrix. The PCR products of AtHXK1 (A2 and A3) and AtWRKY29 (A4 and A5) were split into two aliquots with equal amount of DNA. One aliquot was directly subject to electrophoresis (A2 and A4) while the other was purified by silica matrix before electrophoresis (A3 and A5). Genomic DNA (500 ng) purified from 4-week-old Arabidopsis leaves by silica matrix was loaded in A6. B, Genomic DNA purified from 7-day-old tobacco seedlings by silica matrix. C, Genomic DNA purified from 10-day-old maize leaves by silica matrix. D, Restriction digestion verification of plasmids minipreped from E. coli and A. tumefaciens cells following the silica protocol. The 35S-WRKY29g-GFP-MYC plasmid (400 ng) minipreped from E. coli was digested by NheI/BamHI (D2) or BamHI/NotI (D3) before electrophoresis. The binary plasmid VKH-NLS-YFP-GUS (200 ng, [12]) prepared from A. tumefaciens was digested by SacI/HindIII (D4) before electrophoresis. A1, B1, C1 and D1 correspond to 1 kb DNA ladder with size of each fragment indicated.

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