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Fig. 2 | Plant Methods

Fig. 2

From: Workflow for phenotyping sugar beet roots by automated evaluation of cell characteristics and tissue arrangement using digital image processing

Fig. 2

AF Subsequent stages of image processing. A: The starting image, stitched and aligned from several light microscopy images of fuchsin-chrysoidine-astra blue (FCA)-stained transverse section of paraffin-embedded storage root tissue of sugar beet. A*: sample of an irregular edge. B: the same image as in A after subsequent image preprocessing, including thresholding (Otsu), opening, and hole filling. C: Cells touching the picture's edges are excluded from the analysis. D: After edge removal. D*: Magnified example of a damaged cellular wall enclosure area (red lines represent the artificially closed area). E: Individual objects are identified by watershed segmentation and are labeled by different colors

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