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Fig. 3 | Plant Methods

Fig. 3

From: Spatial and Texture Analysis of Root System distribution with Earth mover’s Distance (STARSEED)

Fig. 3

Example of qualitative results produced by projecting EMD matrix through MDS for the percentage of root pixels as the feature and 2000 spatial bins for images from Runs 3 and 4. MDS served as a visualization approach to show the relationships in the pairwise distance matrix, D. The RSD images are arranged in the 2D space such that images with similar RSD are near one another (i.e., similar MDS coordinates). Additional analysis can be completed by incorporating the moisture or cultivar information. The CH index (step 6) is computed to assess the MDS projection. The different colored frames represent the different moisture levels. The CH indices for 60%, 80%, 100%, and 120% are 8.67, 9.59, 0.23, and 55.68 respectively. The overall CH index for this projection is 15.57. The 120% water level is the most different from the other architectures and the 120% water level is the most compact and separated class visually as well as quantitatively through the CH index

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