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Fig. 2 | Plant Methods

Fig. 2

From: A fast method to evaluate in a combinatorial manner the synergistic effect of different biostimulants for promoting growth or tolerance against abiotic stress

Fig. 2

The semi-logarithmic plots of the biostimulant effect of natural extracts individually on the continuous growth of S. cerevisiae under A control conditions (YPD without stress), and abiotic stress conditions: B NaCl 0.8 M, C LiCl 0.15 M, and D Sorbitol 1.8 M. Liquid cell cultures were grown until saturation in liquid YPD medium, then diluted to an initial OD600 of 0.01 in fresh YPD medium containing 800 µg/ml except for B8 and B9, which were used at 200 ug/ml. Growth monitoring was performed by automatic recording of OD600 every 30 min. The X-axis represents time in minutes (min) and the Y-axis represents the optical density at 600 nm (OD 600 nm) on logarithmic scale. Each point shows the mean of three replicates, with a standard error < 5% in most cases (error bars not shown for clarity)

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