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Fig. 4 | Plant Methods

Fig. 4

From: Phyllotaxis transition over the lifespan of a palm tree using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS): the case of Jubaea chilensis

Fig. 4

A Adult J. chilensis specimen (Jch5); B 2D projection of the TLS data and after applying the surface model algorithm; C delimited scars of the specimen; D representation of the parastichies: black lines represent (8,5) and red lines represent (8,13) (only right-handed parastichies are shown); E magnified view of the scars on the stem of J. chilensis; section of the planar projection of the stem showing the limits of the scars; final delimitation of leaf scars in the adult specimen of J. chilensis, with the definition of the central point of each scar, a, as the intersection between its largest vertical and horizontal dimension; numbering system of scars and definition of the parastichy; F stem perimeter (P, cm) profile; G scar width (Sw, cm) along the stem; H Scar to Stem perimeter ratio along the stem (SSratio); I divergence angle along the stem; J internode length (IL, cm) along the stem

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