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Fig. 2 | Plant Methods

Fig. 2

From: Quantitative monitoring of paramagnetic contrast agents and their allocation in plant tissues via DCE-MRI

Fig. 2

Scheme and application of the pDCE-MRI for monitoring of CA in Barley stem. A Scheme of MRI acquisition for pDCE. B Brightening of the areas corresponding to the vascular bundles due to gadolinium inflow after the CA administration. The time course is exemplified by the T1-weighted images of an axial cross section (lowest of the five measured slices) through the sample. C Color-coded images representing the T1-maps calculated on the basis of the saturation recovery T1-map (shown in Fig. 3A) and the T1-weigthed images (shown here in B) by using the pDCE method. A decrease of T1 over time can be observed. D Calculated concentration maps of the contrast agent based on the T1-maps from C; background is the 1H-NMR image acquired before CA administration. Accumulation of CA (color-coded) in the areas of the vascular bundles is clearly distinguishable

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