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Table 3 Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of each sub-method of classification network

From: Plant diseases and pests detection based on deep learning: a review




Using network as feature extractor

Obtaining effective lesion features

Relying on other classifiers for final classification results

Original image classification

Classic in structure, it is also the basis of other classification network sub-methods and can refer to many existing networks

Lesions need to account for a certain proportion in the image, otherwise their characteristics are easily pooled out, and generally only one class of lesion is allowed in an image

Classification after locating ROI

Obtaining ROI information of the lesions

Additional methods are needed to obtain ROI

Multi-category classification

Solving sample imbalance to some extent

Secondary training is needed

Sliding window

Get rough localization of lesions in images

Sliding window size requires accurate selection, and can only get rough position, slow speed of traversal and sliding


Generate more accurate lesion areas

Accurate lesions location depends on network classification performance

Multi-task learning network

Combining other networks to obtain exact location and category of lesions simultaneously, and reducing the number of training samples required

The network structure is relatively complex, and a pixel-by-pixel label is required when adding segmentation branches