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Fig. 5 | Plant Methods

Fig. 5

From: A cell death assay in barley and wheat protoplasts for identification and validation of matching pathogen AVR effector and plant NLR immune receptors

Fig. 5

Schematic representation of tissue preparation for isolation of mesophyll protoplasts from wheat or barley leaf. Step 1: Selected leaf is placed onto soft surface adaxial leaf facing upwards. Using a razor blade, gentle pressure is applied at the middle part of the leaf to cut through adaxial epidermis and mesophyll tissue without cutting through abaxial epidermis. Step 2: Tip of the leaf is pulled down to remove abaxial epidermis from the base half of the leaf. Step 3: The base half of the leaf with abaxial epidermis removed, is cut in half and bottom part is transferred into Protoplast Isolation Buffer in step 4 and buffer is vacuum infiltrated in step 5

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