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Fig. 2 | Plant Methods

Fig. 2

From: Improving plant transient expression through the rational design of synthetic 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions

Fig. 2

Diagrams of the key T-DNAs used in this study. Purple bars: left and right T-DNA borders. Blue arrows represent promoters, with “35S” representing the full-length 35S promoter, while “e” represents the 35S promoter enhancer region. Red boxes represent 5′UTRs, green boxes represent the GFP ORF, orange boxes represent 3′UTRs, dark blue triangles represent the nos terminator, blue rectangles represent silencing suppressor genes (which are under the control of the 35S promoter and terminator, not shown), and NPTII represents the nptII kanamycin resistance gene (not to scale). Red dots represent Bsa1, Sap1 and BsmB1 restriction sites, while Pac1 and Asc1 restriction sites are labelled directly. The vector backbones (not shown) are the same as in pEAQ-HT [19]

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