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Table 1 Labeling reagents, commercial source and dilution guide

From: Multicolour three dimensional structured illumination microscopy of immunolabeled plant microtubules and associated proteins

Labeling reagent

Company/catalogue number

Dilution (diluent)

Rat monoclonal anti-α tubulin antibody (clone YOL1/34)


1:300 (3% w/v BSA in PBS pH 7.3)

Alpaca anti-GFP nanobody-Atto 488 conjugated (GFP-Booster)


1:500 (3% w/v BSA and 0.5% w/v BSAc in PBS pH 7.4)

Rabbit polyclonal anti-MPK6 antibody


1:750 (3% w/v BSA in PBS pH 7. 3)

Rabbit polyclonal anti-pERK antibody

Cell Signaling/9101 s

1:400 (3% w/v BSA in PBS pH 7.3)

Goat anti-rat IgGs-Alexa Fluor 488 conjugated

ThermoFischer Scientific/A11006

1:500 (3% w/v BSA in PBS pH 7.3)

Goat anti-rat IgGs-Alexa Fluor 647 conjugated

ThermoFischer Scientific/A21247

1:500 (3% w/v BSA in PBS pH 7.3)

Goat anti-rabbit IgGs-Alexa Fluor 546 conjugated

ThermoFischer Scientific/A11010

1:1000 (3% w/v BSA and 0.5% w/v BSAc in PBS pH 7.4)

Goat anti-mouse IgGs-Alexa Fluor 555 conjugated

ThermoFischer Scientific/A21422

1:500 (3% w/v BSA 3 in PBS pH 7.3)

  1. A list of primary and secondary antibodies used in the immunolocalizations of the present study, information on their commercial availability and their dilutions used herein