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Fig. 7 | Plant Methods

Fig. 7

From: Isolation and manipulation of protoplasts from the unicellular green alga Penium margaritaceum

Fig. 7

Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) images of Penium cells (a1, b1, c1, d) and protoplasts (a2, b2, c2, e) stained with membrane mapping intracellular dyes (green), merged with the autofluorescence signal emitted by the chloroplast (red). a BODIPY™ FL C11-Phosphocholine staining. b BODIPY™ FL C5-Ceramide staining. c Di-4-ANEPPDHQ staining of domains in the plasmam membrane. d FM™ 1-43 stains the plasma membrane after 5 min of incubation (arrows); fluorescent thickening in some areas of the plasma membrane appear after 10 min (arrow), and after 60 min, the dye is observed in cytoplasmic compartments (arrows). e Similarly to walled cells, FM™ 1-43 labels the plasma membrane of protoplasts after 1 min incubation (arrow); after 15 min spherical structures in the periphery of the plasma membrane are observable (arrows), and after 30 min the dye locates in cytoplasmic compartments (arrow), being completely incorporated after 120 min. Note that (d) 1 min, (e) 1, 15 and 30 min are single shot pictures, while the remaining pictures are z stacks. Scale bars: 15 µm

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