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Fig. 6 | Plant Methods

Fig. 6

From: In vivo label-free mapping of the effect of a photosystem II inhibiting herbicide in plants using chlorophyll fluorescence lifetime

Fig. 6

TPE-FLIM images of Triticum aestivum obtained using a Leica TCS SP5 in situ. Row a shows fluorescence intensity images of the mesophyll cell layer in an untreated wheat leaf (different columns show different FOVs in the same leaf). Row b shows the corresponding false-colour intensity-weighted mean lifetime (τ m). Row c shows fluorescence intensity images from different FOVs of a wheat leaf treated with two 2 μl drops of Flagon EC 400 and imaged after 2.5 h. Row d shows the corresponding τ m images. The two-photon excitation wavelength was 900 nm, emission was collected in the range 600–730 nm and a ×40 air objective with an NA of 0.75 was used for imaging. Scale bar 50 μm for columns 1, 2 and 20 μm for columns 3,4

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