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Fig. 2 | Plant Methods

Fig. 2

From: Ex vitro hairy root induction in detached peanut leaves for plant–nematode interaction studies

Fig. 2

Nematode infection and development analysis in peanut hairy roots transformed with empty (control) and pPZP-AdEXLB8 vectors. a Control hairy roots observed in the stereomicroscope using bright field and b epifluorescence, 60 days after nematode inoculation. c pPZP-AdEXLB8 hairy roots observed in bright field and d epifluorescence, 60 days after nematode inoculation. e J4 juvenile stage of M. arenaria stained by acid fuchsin inside a control hairy root with the feeding site. f Control hairy roots with an egg mass stained with phloxine B. g Mean number of egg masses and galls per root gram in control and pPZP-AdEXLB8 transgenic roots. h Relative quantification of AdEXLB8 and eGFP target genes expression in eGFP-positive hairy roots transformed with the empty (Control) and pPZP-AdEXLB8 vectors and in non-transformed (wild-type) peanut roots by qRT-PCR analysis, after normalization with the 60S and GAPDH reference genes, according to the MNE procedure [36]. Scale bars = 5 mm in (ad, f) and = 200 µm in (e). Arrows and arrowheads indicate egg masses and galls, respectively (a, f). Error bars represent the standard errors (g, h)

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