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Fig. 1 | Plant Methods

Fig. 1

From: The combination of gas-phase fluorophore technology and automation to enable high-throughput analysis of plant respiration

Fig. 1

O2 consumption rates measured using the fluorophore technique. a O2 is given as a percentage of O2 in ambient air. A tube containing no sample (labelled as Blank) provided the baseline for no O2 consumption, while a tube devoid of all air (labelled as N2-purged) provided the baseline for total O2 consumption, and samples (magenta for Eucalyptus; blue line for wheat) depleted O2 within this range. b A higher resolution plot of individual data points over a 90-min period, from 1 to 2.5-h and linear regression analysis. c Respiration rates calculated from linear regression of O2 consumption using Eq. 1. Presented are R dark calculated from a 1-h moving slope (solid lines), and R dark calculated from the 1–2.5 h slope as shown in Panel b (dashed horizontal lines). Values are the means of four biological replicates for each species with the % of O2 measured every 4 min

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