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Fig. 1 | Plant Methods

Fig. 1

From: A DNA-based real-time PCR assay for robust growth quantification of the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae on Arabidopsis thaliana

Fig. 1

Primer validation for biomass quantification of Pseudomonas syringae. a The primer efficiency for the PCR quantification of the oprF gene from Pseudomonas syringae was determined using a dilution series of two different DNA templates. Closed circles DNA extracted from a pure Pst DC3000 culture; closed triangles DNA extracted from Pst DC3000 infected eds1 mutant plants. The respective correlation coefficients (R2) are indicated. b The PCR products from a were used to generate a melting curve analysis. All PCR products melt between 87.0 and 87.5 °C which indicates the breakdown of only one PCR product. A minor peak observed at 75 °C below the indicated melt threshold line very likely represents a contamination that was observed in only two out of eight samples taken from plants

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